Prophetic intercession

I offer prophetic intercession grounded in the principle of prophetic partnership. Together, we will seek the Lord Jesus for guidance and insight regarding you and your business. I will relay the messages I receive from the Lord, allowing you to test and act upon His words.

This approach involves me interceding in prayer while equipping you in the prophetic and supporting your personal walk with the Lord.
Additionally, I will join you in prayer and listen to The Lord Jesus Christ, utilizing my specific prophetic function, anointing, and authority. This will provide you with prophetic confirmation, words of encouragement. I will also engage in spiritual warfare for you, to drive back darkness and release God’s Light and revelation upon you. This will empower you to operate in spiritual freedom and fulfill the work God has called you to.

A surfer in prophetic dream interpretation stand for somebody that flows together with the power of The Holy Spirit. Often a prophet.

My main role in this partnership is to equip you to hear God’s voice, grow in being led by His Spirit, and walk in God’s glory.
With the primary focus on your own growth in relationship, friendship, and partnership with The Lord, based on the greatest commandment in God’s Word:

”‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Mat 22:37-38 (NIV)

Note: This applies only to businesses.

Try one hour for free!

Welcome to experience a complimentary one-hour Prophetic Intercession session.
After that, we can establish a separate agreement for a future partnership.
To commence, schedule a 15-minute Zoom meeting by clicking the button below. During this brief meeting, we’ll discuss your preferences and plan for the complimentary hour together. Once your booking is confirmed, you’ll promptly receive the Zoom meeting link.
Please be aware that meeting slots are limited, so it’s advisable to secure your preferred time in advance.
I’m eager to support you on your journey and look forward to our collaboration!

Prophetic art - Surfing the white water - BIFA 2021 Silver award.
Prophetic art – Surfing the white water – BIFA 2021 Silver award.
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